Our Osteopathic Treatments

What to expect from your treatments at Empower Osteopathy.

Osteopathy Treatment

What is an Osteopath?

We focus on your neuro-musculoskeletal system, meaning the bones, muscles, nerves and other tissues that support your body and control your movements. Osteopaths will also assess, examine and diagnose your body and use ‘hands-on’ treatments for your complaints. We help to find and release structures and tissues that cause pain or restricted movement in your body.

What does a treatment involve?

Medical History

We ask questions about your symptoms, medications, medical history and other factors that may contribute to your health.


A full osteopathic examination may involve postural assessments, movement and functional assessments, orthopaedic and neurological tests and assessments of certain activities or exercises.

Treatment plan

We work together to form an individualised treatment plan that suits you.

Treatment techniques

  • Massage

  • Manipulation - also known as the typical chiropractic “crack”

  • Mobilisation

  • Stretching

  • Release techniques to your muscles, tendons and ligaments

  • Cranio-sacral therapy

  • Visceral techniques - treatment for organs

  • Dry Needling

  • Cupping


We also may provide education, advice, exercises and activities to do at home or work.

Osteopathy may be used to assist with the following:

Back and Neck Pain 


Ankle Sprain 

Children and Babies 



Heel/Arch pain  

Joints and Flexibility 

Knee Pain




Sports Injuries