Frequently Asked Questions

dog raising arm

Do I need a referral from my GP?

No, you can make an appointment directly with your osteopath without a referral. We have an easy, quick online booking system.

Under certain schemes (CDM), you may need a referral. Read more.

What do I need to bring?

Although there are not many conditions that require diagnostic imaging before a first appointment, if you have any X-rays, scans, diagnostic imaging, test results or reports for your injury or condition, bring them along.

What should I wear?

It’s important that you feel comfortable, so wear a loose shirt or T/shirt, and loose pants or shorts, or bring loose clothes with you to change into at the appointment.

You can check with our clinic beforehand, however often you will be asked to remove some clothing for treatment. But, if you would like to stay in your clothing that is ok too.

Is Osteopathic treatment painful?

If your injuries do require treatment of painful and tender areas, our osteopaths will aim to make you as comfortable as possible. Unfortunately, some conditions are painful and may be tender during movement, stretching or treatment.

There are techniques which may cause some short-term discomfort or pain.

You may experience mild soreness for a day or two after treatment, similar to that felt after mild exercise. If this soreness persists or increases significantly, call your osteopath to discuss your concerns.

How many appointments do I need?

This depends on your condition. Long-term or chronic conditions may require more clinical management than acute or short-term conditions. Your osteopath will discuss this with you, based on your individual needs.

In general, you may feel some change within 2-3 treatments. 

Are there any additional investigations or treatments?
Depending on your condition or any concerns you have raised, your osteopath may require some further testing or referral to another health practitioner.

Following treatment and depending on your condition, your osteopath may decide that additional investigations such as X-rays, scans or blood tests are needed. Your osteopath may refer you to another health professional or to your GP.

When can my newborn see an osteopath?

There is no minimum age! You can take your baby to an osteopath from birth.

Birth is physically demanding for both mum and bub, and an osteopathic visit during the first 6 weeks is a great way to spot any strains or restrictions. So we can identify and treat them before they become an issue.

Some indications:

  • Prolonged or very fast labour,

  • Instrumental delivery - forceps or vacuum,

  • Excessive moulding of the bubs head.

A post-natal check from 6 weeks for mum is also highly recommended.

Frequently asked questions regarding your pelvic health / pelvic floor appointment.


Sporting Injuries