Why would you refer an osteopath

Health practitioners refer to osteopaths for a range of Neuro (nerves) - Musculo- (Muscles) Skeletal (Bones) conditions.

Common conditions that osteopaths treat are:

Neck and back pain but also: hip, shoulder and limb pain; fibromyalgia, radicular pain and other neuropathic pain conditions; joint pain; headaches and migraines; postural disorders, degenerative spine conditions; and for many other chronic/ persistent pain issues.

Health practitioners refer to osteopaths for different reasons, for example; doctors for chronic back pain, midwives for pregnancy-related back/pelvic pains, dentists for jaw pain, physiotherapists for co-treatment of babies, children or adults, speech pathologists for co-treatment of jaw and neck tightness, and even paramedics for acute injuries.

They refer to osteopaths for investigation of underlying physical and other causes of suspected conditions or issues, and for diagnosis and treatment.

Osteopaths can refer for X-ray imaging if required. Osteopaths combine the results of multiple clinical tests to develop a diagnosis. Help explain the diagnosis in plain simple language, commonly using pictures to assist.

For treatment, read this next blog :) How does an osteopath treat you?


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